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Sports Field Watering

Water is essential to all life on Earth! On sports fields and home lawns, it is needed for growth and to handle and recover from different levels of stress. Water is a concern today in the Turfgrass Industry and managing it is very important. Many people feel they need to water their turf frequently, but in reality more fields are being damaged from over-watering.

Water makes up 70-80 percent of the grass clippings. If the water content drops below 60 percent, the turf can be seriously weekend and can die. Different factors such as temperature, sunlight, wind, humidity, and rainfall determine how much water is going to be needed. Extra water is needed when the natural amount of water present is not enough to keep the turf healthy.

Sand, silt, and clay make up the texture of the soil. Soils textures are different in all areas so knowing your soil textures on your sport fields is very important. Different soils hold certain amounts of water for extended periods. Sandy soils have a low water holding capacity and need frequent watering. Silt and clay soils hold more water thus requiring less frequent watering.

A good indication that the turf is lacking moisture content is by appearance of wilt especially if you see purplish coloring and can see your footprints after walking on the grass. You should begin irrigation.

Here are some keys to proper watering. On sports fields with an irrigation system, enough water should be applied to replenish the amount of moisture lost. The turf should receive 1 to 2 inches per week during the growing season. If less rainfall, more watering is going to be required. Watering deep, and infrequent is preferred and will be required more when establishing turf to promote seed germination. Avoid watering in windy conditions.

During what times of the day is it best to water? It is best to water in the morning when the wind is calm to allow the turf blades time to dry off. Watering in the afternoon or late evening will not allow enough time for the turf to dry and diseases could result. For sporting events, it is recommended to finish watering 24 to 48 hours before a game.

Some caution tips to be aware of when watering turf. Never apply more water than the soil can absorb! “Sports Field Management” Overwatering can lead to turf diseases and thatch buildup. Also water that is not absorbed can lead to evaporation and runoff.

In conclusion, it is important to know that all fields are different. Soil texture, weather conditions, and types of sporting events will determine when and how much you will need to water. Over time with experience you will know when and how much to water your fields.

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